by Frank McPherson Monday, November 14, 2016

You are probably familiar with the phrase, "the end justifies the means." Some, particularly Christians, will argue that is the choice they made during this past election. They don't agree with all the things Trump has said or claims he will do, but the end, of making "America Great Again," justifies overlooking the means. 

The problem is that the above assumes a common definition for what makes America Great, and I think that is problematic because I expect each of Trump's constituencies has a different definition for a Great America based on their world view. 

For many Christians, the end they desire is the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, which they hope at a minimum decreases abortions if not completely eliminating it. In other words a Great America is a country in which there are no abortions, and that end justifies tolerating all of the issues they may otherwise have with Trump. Note this doesn't mean they agree with everything that Trump does, it means for the sake of the possibility that Trump will end abortions, they will tolerate everything else he does.