Not So Smart Bulbs
by Frank McPherson Friday, April 28, 2017

I have several Hue "smart" light bulbs in my home. One thing that frustrates me about how they work is that they don't behave like regular light bulbs when there is a power outage.

With a non-smart lamp, you physically turn a light on and off, so if you have the lamp off and there is a power outage, the light will not just turn on when power is restored. The same cannot be said about smart lights like Hue, instead they turn on to max brightness the instant power is restored.

Imagine having one of these lights in your bed room and being woken in the middle of the night. 

The problem is that the on/off state of the light bulb is controlled by either a hub or the bulb itself. Yet, you are putting these bulbs in normal lamps with a physical switch. The manufacturers are concerned that in an emergency, if one where to try the turn on the light after a power outage by using the lamp's switch, they would not be able to do so.

I personally don't understand this safety concern, because not responding to the lamp's switch is actually how the light normally works. If a Hue light is off and you flip the switch on the lamp and flip it again, nothing happens, the light does not turn on. So, under normal circumstances the safety concern manufacturers claim to preventing against is in fact the default condition. 

So, I think smart bulb manufactures should give users the control over deciding the default state after a sudden disruption of power.  In the bedroom, I want to configure the bulb to default to off and stay off until I manually go into the app and turn it back on.